Supplies have reached the villages! Thanks to your support and the hard work of our team in Senegal, all the supplies have been distributed to families in need.
Representatives from the villages collecting the supplies to take back to their communities.
We knew the need was great, but once the deliveries were made, we were overwhelmed by the response. The gratitude expressed by people such as Awa Ndiaye are testament to the profound assistance that you helped provide during this difficult time.
“I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is not the first time you have come to help us during a period of crisis.”
Awa Ndiaye picking up supplies for her community. She is a member of the Garden Ngor Marone
Access to motorized transportation is limited so donkey and horse carts were used to transport the supplies to the villages.
A recent poll showed seven out of every eight Senegalese have seen a reduction in income during this time, and over a third of people in rural areas have been forced to reduce meal sizes or eliminate meals altogether.
Because of you, hundreds of families like Awa’s received emergency distributions of food and sanitation supplies. Thank you!
Distribution in Action:
Andando staff Mandaw (in green) and Camara (in blue tunic) pictured with the Mayor of Keur Soce.
Our team worked hard with local leadership to get supplies into our region amid strict travel restrictions. We are fortunate to enjoy reciprocal, strong, trusting relationships with the village chiefs and region mayor. This proved helpful in organizing the logistics of moving large quantities of supplies into these rural communities.
A truck full of supplies for distribution in the rural villages.
Once the supplies arrived in region, our staff sorted them into piles, each assigned to a different community. These are the supplies for Keur Soce region.
Our team in the Podor region staging supplies to distribute to communities we serve in the northern part of Senegal.
We also worked with local tailors to produce reusable fabric masks. 2,000 masks were distributed to the communities along with the supplies of rice, oil, and soap. By using local businesses we also helped support the local economy.
Even before we started working on getting food supplies into the area, we worked with local medical staff to design and distribute hand washing stations for each of the gardens.
Diya (pictured left in green Andando shirt) is a health worker in the village of Ngor. She is instrumental in teaching proper hand washing techniques to the community.
Between the two regions of Podor and Keur Soce, we serve over 40,000 people spread across 36 villages. You can provide ongoing support during these uncertain times. Click here to learn more.