A bountiful and varied harvest of eggplant, melons, turnips, peppers, and greens provide nutrious food to hundreds of families.
It was only about eight years ago that we started our first two gardens in Keur Socé, Senegal. What began as a bit of an experiment for us, spurred on by the ambitious women’s cooperatives as to what their potential might be, launched a program that has changed the lives of thousands of people across Senegal.
We knew this had potential, seeing so many people with the skills and knowledge but without access to year-round water and other primary inputs. But we are continually blown away by what this has become – a massive boost to both tangible income and unquantifiable gains in women’s health, students’ ability to learn and grow, and renewed hope for the future for all those involved.
By the end of this year, we will have 33 gardens in operation with around 3,000 active participants. It is hard to capture just what this has done for these communities, with literally hundreds of thousands of dollars produced and circulated in local economies. One incredible milestone is that we recently reached over 500,000 pounds of produce grown in our gardens in the last couple years alone.
Outside a family home in the village of Fas Toucouleur.
This equates to a stronger, more resilient community, with dynamic economic activity, and a healthier population able to thrive where they are. We are proud of what we have built through your continued efforts, and we hope you can take joy in knowing the difference you have made. There are so many more communities we can reach, and we look forward to many more years of success.
“Jéréjëf!” – Thank You!
Lewis Kiker, Executive Director