How Does Gardening Impact Your Life? (Video)

We had the opportunity to check in with several of our Community Garden participants to see how the projects are going. Participants put into their own words the many ways the gardens positively impact their lives in some tangible and, even surprising, ways.

Sophie works in one of the gardens and wanted to say, “We thank you without limits because we are really satisfied with this project.”

Sophie works in one of the gardens and wanted to say, “We thank you without limits because we are really satisfied with this project.”

We knew that those working the gardens benefited both financially and nutritionally from the bounty of the gardens. But what we didn’t know is that the quality of the produce surpassed that previously purchased, and the women noted this when talking about their home-cooked meals being very good!

Participants also shared with us that prior to working in the gardens they had to borrow money when medical or other needs arose. But now they have seen a shift where not only do they have financial security, they can also lend money to their neighbors in need. Whole communities benefit, not just those working in the gardens.

We thank you without limits because we are really satisfied with this project.

Self-reliance and determination also increased. “We are all determined, courageous and supportive of each other in taking this destiny into our own hands” says Khady, a garden participant.

Want to hear more from these women in their own words? Check out our brand new video.