Despite delays caused by travel restrictions earlier this year, the health post at Paymar was completed in October and is seeing patients! We chatted with head midwife, Awa Diaw, to see how things are going.
The Paymar health post is up and running, here the midwife, Awa Diaw (right), is doing a patient consult.
“As part of my work I receive sick people, sometimes in the morning, afternoon or evening. I work to treat wounds or to deliver babies. The new health post has a big impact, because it is a safe and sanitary place for patients. In addition, the fifteen surrounding villages also come here to seek care.”
A healthy set of twins born at the Mbantou health post recently.
We are excited to add more health posts, bringing our total to 12! In the communities of Kacothie (Keur Soce) and Mbiddy (Podor), construction is well underway for two new health posts.
Construction has already started at the Kacothie health post.
Healthcare workers are the stop gap between isolated communities and the education and resources needed to keep them safe during this pandemic. They have gone above and beyond by visiting households in their community (with the use of personal protective equipment) to ensure families have what they need to stay safe. They also helped us facilitate the distribution of emergency Covid relief supplies earlier this year. Without their local leadership, many in rural areas would have been left behind. With your support, we will continue to invest in local healthcare workers and their communities for a healthier future.