In February, our staff and a couple of the garden collective presidents represented Andando with an informational booth at the Kaolack International Fika (Fair).
The fika is organized by the Chamber of Commerce of the region of Kaolack, of which Keur Soce and surrounding villages are inside of. It is a fair which receives all the countries of the sub-region (Mali, Ivory Coast, Benin, Guinea Conakry, Gambia, Niger, Nigeria, Morocco, etc.).
Andando exhibit at the Kaolack International Fika (Fair). Pictured left to right: a potential buyer from a local food market; Camara, Andando Program Manager; Aissatou, a garden collective representative'; and Mandaw, Andando Garden Manager.
For five years Andando has taken part in this fair to exhibit and give more visibility of our community garden program and (more importantly) forged new connections between potential produce buyers and the women who manage the gardens.
The Mayor of Keur Soce, Malick Ndiegane, and his delegates took time to visit the Andando table at the Kaolack International Fair.
“It is always with pride that we share the moments with Andanda, a strategic, dynamic, useful partner, made up of very committed, respectful people who know the meaning of responsibility. Thank you!”
The garden presidents were a great asset as they spoke directly to the benefit of Andando gardens in their community and also the food outputs of their respective gardens. Several orders of produce were made, and our staff facilitated the transport of the vegetables from the remote villages to the fair in Kaolack (15+ miles away, or approximately 3 hours by donkey cart).
Andando staff and interns at our table at the Kaolack International Fair.
“This is a great opportunity for Andando because we have made a lot of customers for our gardens thanks to the fair.”