We have been running around Senegal for the last week lining up several projects for the next few months. Hitting the ground running, we journeyed to the town of Keur Soce where most of our future projects are taking place. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we toured several surrounding villages where we have just finished wells and have plans for several more. Along with some of these wells, we are installing solar pumps that will aid people in drawing water, making it easier to water their garden plots that surround these wells. This will make it easier to grow vegetables all year around and have far better nutritive options on their plates and cleaner drinking water.
We made arrangements to renovate a community building in one village and turn it into a rural health post where mothers can deliver babies and minor medical treatment can be provided. We met multiple times with the elementary school teachers and administrators to discuss our projects there. At Keur Soce Elementary we are initiating a nutrition program to jump start the students in the morning with a daily breakfast as many of them receive nothing. In addition to the school building repairs we have just completed, we are also rehabilitating desks and chairs that are in pieces and starting a small classroom library for each class. These investments will be protected by security measures we are putting in place.
Stay tuned for more updates as we return to the States this week!