Mamadou Senghor with his wife and some of the multiple generations that live in their home.
Mamadou Senghor is a father, grandfather, and farmer in Fas Toucouleur. His village is 3 miles from the main road and historically has limited access to electricity and running water. As the eldest son, he is responsible for the care of everyone in his household. (In Senegal it is common for multiple generations to live together on a family-owned piece of land.)
In one of Mamadou’s fields, he grows corn, millet, and peanuts.
A long-time farmer, Mamadou struggled, as many in this area do, to get the supplies needed at the start of the planting season. Because of this he could not use his fields to their full potential, which limited the amount of food he could grow for his family and the amount of income he could gain from the sale of cash crops, such as peanuts.
“Before I could not have a big farm. But since Andando helped me, I have increased my farm. Before I had maybe 1 hector (2 1/2 acres), and now I have 6 hectors (approx 15 acres). I have something to give to my family to eat and something to sell. We solve our economic problems and pay back the loan.”
Khady, Mamadou’s wife, proudly standing outside her new kitchen.
Having a robust and diverse farm gives Mamadou security for his family. He uses the extra income to replace the huts on their property (comprised of clay walls, thatched roofs, and dirt floors) with more durable buildings. Raised off the ground with concrete floor and walls, and topped with a metal roof, his family no longer suffers during the rainy season.
Mamadou shows the remaining clay hut; all the rest have been replaced with concrete structures with metal roofs.
Having a robust and diverse farm gives Mamadou security for his family. He uses the extra income to replace the huts on their property (comprised of clay walls, thatched roofs, and dirt floors) with more durable buildings. Raised off the ground with concrete floor and walls, and topped with a metal roof, his family no longer suffers during the rainy season.
“I thank the supporters of Andando and pray for them...because we know how much you help us, and how you have lifted us up.”
There are many more farmers like Mamadou who would benefit from a little boost to improve the quality of life for their families. You can make a difference, donate today.