Every year, Andando provides zero-interest microloans to hundreds of farmers in Senegal's Keur Soce region. These loans arrive at just the right moment, helping farmers afford crucial inputs such as seeds and equipment ahead of each rainy season. By supporting timely planting, farmers secure stable harvests, improved incomes, and food security year after year.
Microloan recipient, Modo from Sama Toucouleur, explains the importance that trees play in improving soil health in his fields.
Access to credit is vitally important, but with climate change leading to more extreme weather events, unpredictable rains, and rapid soil loss, our farmers need new techniques as well to help them adapt to this changing and unpredictable landscape. Thanks to the generous support of our donors and partners, including the Rick Steves’ Climate Smart Commitment, Andando is now integrating Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) into our microloan program.
By protecting and nurturing young native trees that are naturally sprouting in fields, farmers can reap the benefits of increased soil fertility, decreased erosion, and improved water infiltration and moisture retention. This is less costly and labor intensive than planting entirely new trees.
FMNR is an elegant solution that taps into nature’s own power to restore itself. Rather than planting entirely new trees, which can be costly and labor-intensive across large agricultural areas, FMNR focuses on partnering with farmers to protect and nurture young native trees already naturally sprouting in their fields. When these trees are carefully selected, and protected to maturity, the results are remarkable. Over time, the benefits compound: richer soils produce better crops, trees store carbon, and communities become more resilient against climate extremes.
Some of the 234 farmers who participated in the first-ever Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration training held at the Andando Keur Soce Training Center.
This past February Andando offered our first ever intensive training in FMNR techniques, and the response far exceeded our expectations. 234 farmers in Keur Soce enthusiastically participated in our four-day workshop, learning both the technical aspects of tree identification and protection, along with how to teach and promote the practice to their neighbors across the region.
Expert trainers such as Captain Bodian from the Department of Water and Forests helped lead the four-day workshop on Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration.
The excitement among the participants was inspiring, confirming that farmers themselves are ready to lead the way toward a greener, more sustainable future. See what Aliou Ba had to say about the training:
“If we want the county to change, and for tomorrow, for the next generation who will replace us, to be comfortable, we should change our behavior. For now, it starts with us, who have been trained, and it’s good, that’s what I can say.”
At Andando, we're proud to support these farmers not just with loans, but with the knowledge and tools to create lasting, farmer-driven environmental change. Through a combination of tree planting and FMNR our partners across Senegal, from women’s garden groups to school environmental clubs, health clinics, and microloan recipients, are creating lasting benefits not only for their own families and communities but for the wider global fight against climate change.
Enthusiastic participants gained from classroom and hands-on demonstrations on how to incorporate FMNR into their farming practices.
We can’t wait to see how this grows. Stay tuned!