Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the sixth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Abdou, Garden Technician.
Abdou joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2018.
Abdou Salam Ba joined the Andando team in 2018 as one of our Garden Technicians. He was born and raised in Fas Toucouleur with histhree brothers and two sisters. He met his wife Diawo, who is from a neighboring village, and together they raised eight children. They currently live in Fas Toucouleur with their children and 12 grandchildren.
An early family photo of Abdou with his wife, Diawo, and their four eldest children.
Growing up Abdou learned all about farming the way most children in the region do, from his parents. From a young age he developed a real knack and a deep appreciation for agriculture, animal husbandry, and household governance.
Abdou planting trees with a Peace Corps Volunteer.
After completing his schooling he went on to work with the Department of Water and Forestry. Through the years, Abdou continued his training with a variety of other agriculture organizations including the Peace Corps.
Transplanting young trees in his orchard, Abdou developed and maintains an impressive and productive family garden.
He developed maintains an impressive orchard on his own family plot and continues to work with Peace Corps Volunteers in the area.
Abdou filing planting sheaths with one his daughters at his family plot.
When his own children got old enough, he started passing down his knowledge to them, including his son, Mandaw (who joined our team in 2012 and manages all the area garden technicians, including Abdou.)
Abdou (right) teaching his son Mandaw (left) on their family farm.
Abdou (right) with his son, Mandaw (left), in the Fax Toucouleur Garden in 2019.
“Administratively, I am under the responsibility of my son but he always comes to me when he encounters difficulties and I always continue to strengthen his capacities.
When a person feels comfortable in their job, they will have the love and passion to work at any time of the day. We must have a love of work because only work can allow the individual to meet his needs and raise his status to the highest point.””
A magnificent mango tree, one of many food producing trees in Abdou’s orchard.
In his free time Abdou enjoys watching documentaries and listening to music, particularly from Mali and Guinea. He is also passionate about environmental issues and enjoys helping his neighbors and others in the area improve their soil for cultivation. He is known to make house calls when someone is experiencing particularly challenging instances of pests or other problems.
Abdou enjoys sharing his knowledge so everyone benefits. He is the Garden Technician at the Fas Toucouleur Women’s Garden Collective.
Your support enables Abdou to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future.
Daiwo (Aobdou’s wife) holding one of their grandchildren, also named Abdou after his grandfather. (Abdou Jr is the son of Mandaw, Andando Lead Garden Technician in Keur Soce.)
We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!