
Diégane, Senior Director of Operations

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is part of a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Diégane, Senior Director of Operations

Diégane joined the Andando team in July 2024.

Sustainability and local engagement are two of Andando’s core values. We know our support is temporary, so we collaborate closely with communities at every stage, ensuring they have the skills and resources needed to manage projects independently for the long term.

With this in mind, we are thrilled to introduce Diégane (pronounced Jay-gone) Ndiaye, who joined our team as the Senior Director of Operations. With 25 years of experience in humanitarian and community development, Diégane has a passion for empowering local communities so that once a project is complete they can carry on with little or no external help.

As I always say, we are not meant to everlastingly support the communities we partner with. If we do so, we fail… So, we work with them to ignite movement, just like you push a car to start. You don’t drive a car by pushing it.
— Diégane

Meeting with local leaders is one of the ways Diégane works to empower communities to ensure the long-term sustainability of projects.

Diégane is excited to use his deep knowledge of this field to help position Andando as a major strategic partner for the local, regional, and national government. He previously worked as the Operations Director at World Vision, after which he served as the Multi-Country Director with SOS SAHEL International France.

With 25 years of experience in humanitarian and community development, Diégane has a passion for empowering local communities. Pictured here at a community meeting in Niger with SOS SAHEL International France with the youngest village chief of the commune.

Diégane holding his first-born son, Jason in 2008.

The oldest of six children (four brothers and two sisters) Diégane grew up in a small village about 6 miles outside of Diourbel. After completing elementary and middle school, Diégane left his village to move to Diourbel and attend high school. He continued on to the University of Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, where he majored in American literature and civilizations. During his time with World Vision he earned a Bachelor’s of Business Administration, a master’s in project management in local development.

Enjoying a bike ride in Thies where Diégane lives with his family.

He met his wife, Marieme, in Kaffrine when he was assigned there with World Vision. They live in Thies with their three children: Jason Emmanuel (17), Jeffery Medoune (14) and Marilyn Seny Coumba (12).

Diégane is not new to Andando. In 2007 (before Andando had any staff in Senegal or in the US) he served as a volunteer by administering one of our first microloan programs. Over the years Diégane followed Andando’s progress and in 2023 he assisted with some consulting before joining our team full-time in 2024.

To tell you the truth, I was really amazed by the awesome achievements made (the gardens, the schools, the health clinics). I said Wow! I never imagined they could achieve such great work in their size.
— Diégane

In his spare time, Diégane enjoys gardening, biking and walking, watching TV and movies, listening to praise songs, and is an active member of his church. He also loves to spend time with his family at restaurants, while shopping, and while traveling.

Diégane’s Family (left to right): Jeffery Medoune, Diégane, Jason Emmanuel, Marilyn Seny Coumba, and Marieme.

Your support enables Diégane to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Mansour, Health Program Manager

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is part of a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Mansour, Health Program Manager

Mansour joined the Andando team in July 2024.

Health is one of the greatest assets we have as human beings. Having good health is tied to having a better life, whether that be through positive relationships or having the energy to do the things we love.  But more than that, being in good health is crucial for participating in work and educational activities.

With this in mind, we are thrilled to introduce Elhadj Mansour Diagne (goes by Mansour) who has joined our team as our Health Program Manager.  Over the past 15 years, we have established 15 health centers that serve over 55,000 people in rural Senegal.  After the initial investment in infrastructure, these centers are bravely staffed by locally trained midwives and nurses, many of whom are volunteers.

Despite the huge successes we have seen thus far, these health professionals face challenges serving their community.

This is where Mansour comes in.  With eight years of experience working in community health, he will collaborate with the Ministry of Health to expand programming and services offered at our health centers so they can make a bigger impact in fighting malnutrition and ensuring positive outcomes for mothers and their babies.

Mansour has over 8 years experience in Community Health. Pictured here in Keur Socé when he was working on a malnutrition prevention program in 2021.

I hope to see the community’s delight at having access to health and development through [Andando’s] intervention and to have a thriving community.
I would like to see our Senegal leave this circle of developing countries and join the ranks of developed countries.
— Mansour Diagne

Meeting with staff of the Keur Niene Serere Health Center. Field visits are an integral part of Mansour’s (left in white) work.

The youngest in his family, after high school Mansour continued on to Alioune Diop University of Bambey where he studied Community Health.  During his time at university, he interned at regional health centers gaining hands-on experience.  After graduating he worked on a variety of community health projects including a tuberculous control program and an infant malnutrition reduction program. 

Mansour lives in Mbour with his wife, Aissatou, and their two children, Fatou age 5 and Mouhammad age 3.

Mansour lives with his wife, Aissatou, and their two children in Mbour.  When he’s not working you may find him playing soccer, raising sheep, or spending time with his family.

Your support enables Mansour to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Babacar, Garden Technician

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is part of a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Babacar, Garden Technician

Babacar joined the Andando team in 2018 and has helped establish three gardens.

Babacar Sow joined our team in 2018. He is the second oldest of five, with an older sister and three younger brothers. Babacar grew up in Khelcom Biram, a small village close to Keur Soce. He attended elementary and middle school in his hometown and continued on to high school at Ibrahima Diouf High School in Kaolack (a 30 min. drive from Keur Soce).

Babacar (left) with friends and colleagues during his agriculture training.

Having grown up working on his parents farm, Babacar possessed a natural gift for agriculture and was selected to join a specialty agriculture training center to further develop his skills. The program also focused on developing leadership skills, facilitating partnerships, computer literacy, and financial management. At the completion of his training, the National Agency for the Promotion and Employment of Youth put him in contact with Andando, and we asked him to join our team in 2018.

Babacar and Fatou at their wedding, May 2022.

In 2022 Babacar married Fatou, one of his childhood friends, and they welcomed their first child, Ibrahima (named after Babacar’s father) in March of last year. As is customary, they live together on a family plot in his home village of Khelcom Biran.

Fatou, Ibrahima, and Babacar in traditional dress as they attend a local celebration.

A dedicated father and brother, Babacar spends much of his free time with his family discussing goals and life plans for the future, as well as enjoying nature documentaries and listening to music-- Alfa Blondie is his favorite musician. He also enjoys spending time in nature, especially visiting the forest and the beach.

Nature nourishes my soul. When I am in nature I feel happiness. I really like the color green which nourishes me and pushes me to go towards the forest and nature. I enjoy discovering the savanna, trees, and animals because I am a pure villager.
— Babacar

Your support enables Babacar to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Maguette, Garden Technician

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the 14th in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Maguette, Garden Technician

Maguette joined the Andando team in 2018.

Maguette Marone joined our team in 2018. She is the second youngest in her family with five older sisters, one older brother, and one younger brother.  She grew up in Keur Soce and remembers when Andando first started working in the area.

We can say that Andando was founded in front of me.
— Maguette

A vital member of our team, Maguette brings a unique perspective and talent to both the Podor team (pictured here) and the Keur Soce team.

Maguette’s early education career was in one of Andando’s first partner schools.  She has fond memories of playing renga boulu* with her friends on the school grounds.  Maguette would often help her mother, Dibi, in her shop after school.  Dibi was one of the first entrepreneurs to build a business using an Andando microloan!

Maguette clearing brush at the Andando training center garden area in Keur Soce.

After completing school Maguette joined our team in Keur Soce as a Garden Technician.  With a passion for health and also watching her mother build a successful business she brings a unique perspective and talent to the team.

My role is to guide women and show them how they can earn without using a lot of money.”
— Maguette

Using her life experience, Maguette helps women develop their own agriculture and entrepreneurial skills for success.

In July of 2020 Maguette married Ibrahim and they live in Keur Soce.  When she is not working Maguette enjoys watching movies and has a passion for health and wellness. 

Celebrating her marriage, Maguette (second from right) with two of her sisters and her little brother at her wedding in July 2020.

Your support enables Maguette to help her fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Yaya, Garden Technician & Fish Program Manager

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the 13th in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Yaya, Garden Technician & Fish Program Manager

Yaya joined the Andando team in 2019.

Yaya Sow joined our team in 2019. He is the youngest in his family with seven older brothers and sisters.  He grew up in Tiguere Cire in the norther region of Senegal (about four hours southeast of Andando’s Podor headquarters).

Yaya attended elementary and middle school in his home town.  To attend high school he moved in with his uncle’s family in Matam, a larger nearby town. A good student, he went on to University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography.  He went on to attend ISAE (Institute of Agriculture, Biology, and Ecology), an exclusive school that only accepts 29 students each year.

Yaya studying at University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Geography.

With a vast field of opportunities before him, Yaya chose to participate in a 3-month training with Andando.  At the completion of this training he stayed on as a Garden Technician.

I’m not somebody who is changing a lot, when I find something I like to stay there. I am determined. If I work on something, I work on it until it’s finished.
— Yaya

After graduating from university Yaya joined Andando as an intern and completed a 3-month training in Keur Soce.

Currently Yaya manages two gardens and recently took on the additional responsibility of overseeing our Aquaponics Program, which has produced over 500 pounds of fish so far.

A successful fish harvest at the Lamarame Garden. Yaya has helped the four pilot program gardens raise and harvest over 500 pounds of fish so far!

Managing the fish in the four (soon to be five) gardens takes a different set of skills and is a  unique challenge.  “Sometimes it’s nice, sometimes it’s difficult. For the fish, sometimes it gives you stress because it’s something alive that you have to observe.  It was not a part of my training so it’s a plus,” says Yaya. 

Yaya works closely with garden participants to ensure the fish get the appropriate food to maximize their growth while also keeping costs low.

When he is not working Yaya enjoys playing futbol (soccer).  He also enjoys hanging out with this friends and visiting villages where he previously worked.  Because our technicians live in the villages where they work, they build lasting relationships that not only benefit them socially, but also keeps Andando connected to these communities helping ensure their long-term success.

Your support enables Yaya to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Thiam, Podor Program Manager

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the tenth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Thiam, Podor Program Manager.

Thiam joined the Andando team in 2018.

Hamedine Thiam, goes by Thiam (pronounced Cham), joined our team in 2018.

He is an only child and grew up in Donaye Walo in the norther Podor region of Senegal. When he was only five years old Thiam’s father died but he was fortunate to have a close family and his grandmother stepped in to help. He attended elementary school in his home village and continued on to high school in Podor.

With a real knack for mathematics, Thiam moved to Dakar and received technical training from Maurice de la Fossee with a specialty in accounting.

A photo of Faty and Thiam from their wedding in 1980. They are celebrating their 43th wedding anniversary this year.

He met and married his wife, Faty Thiam, and they have celebrated over 40 years together. They raised their seven children (4 boys and 3 girls) in Dakar where Thiam worked for various financial institutions.

A respected member of the community Thiam (pictured right) builds and maintains relationships with community leaders to ensure the long-term success of our programs.

With extensive experience in accounting Thiam excelled as a trainer in microfinance and rural development. After 34 years, he retired and returned to the Podor area. Their oldest son stayed in Dakar for work. Their other children returned with them to get married, work, and go to school. Fun fact: Thiam’s granddaughters attend the high school Andando constructed in Donaye Taredji!

Putting his skills and experience to good use he joined the Andando team to manage our Podor microloan program. Now he coordinates the Podor Region programs and provides accounting support for all of the Andando initiatives.

Thiam listens to the needs and ideas of our program participants to improve our initiatives to better serve communities.

My passion in life is to be of service for the good of society. My hope is for Andando to continue to grow in Senegal in order to fight malnutrition, strengthen health and education, and reduce unemployment and the heavy work of women.
— Thiam, Podor Programs Manager

Thiam brings his decades of accounting experience to help teach financial literacy skills to our women’s gardens.

When he is not working Thiam manages the family’s poultry farm and agriculture activities. He also enjoys listening to and watching soccer and wrestling.

Your support enables Thiam to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Click here to meet other staff.

From the Director - On the Ground in Senegal - January 2023

Enjoying the company of some of our Keur Soce based staff. We have a great team on the ground in Senegal who are incredibly knowledgeable and fun to be around.

Thanks to the incredible generosity that our community showed last year at our fall gala fundraiser and through our year-end giving campaign, we are able to hit the ground running in 2023! I am currently in Senegal working with the team to finalize plans for our yearly projects which will include at least four new gardens, a health post, and two new schools.

Seynabou, one of our technicians, will manage our new STEM focused teaching garden at Keur Soce High School.

At the request of Keur Soce High School, we are also building our first ever school garden this year. The administration wanted to improve their science curriculum, and together we decided that a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) focused teaching garden, with an integrated aquaculture system, would help to give students valuable skills for their educational and professional careers.

Gorgui, a technician in Podor, is our new regional Tree Program Manager and will oversee the construction of a new permanent tree nursery and training center in Podor.

Seynabou Ndao, one of our phenomenal technicians who we profiled last year, will manage the project and help teachers to develop a new garden-centered STEM curriculum. Seynabou has a degree in physics and chemistry from the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, and we are so excited to see the positive impact she will have as a resource and role model for students.

In Podor another one of our technicians Alassane Ba, who goes by Gorgui, is stepping up as our new regional Tree Program Manager. This year we are constructing a permanent tree nursery and training center in Podor in order to combat severe deforestation and desertification in the region. Our tree nursery and Gorgui’s work will help to strengthen our gardens and the ecology of our partner communities against the effects of climate change.

It’s a joy to be able to share not only our exciting projects for the coming year, but also how our staff is growing as they take the lead to improve our programs in Senegal. We are so proud of them! Your continued support makes this, and everything Andando does, possible. Jerejef - thank you!

Meet Moussa, Garden Technician

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the tenth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Moussa, Garden Technician.

Moussa joined the Andando team in 2019.

Moussa Diouff (pronouced Moo-sa) joined our team in 2019. He is the second oldest in his family with three brothers and two sisters. He grew up with his family in the village of Nguédj near Thies, about 165 kilometers (100 miles) from Keur Soce.

Working alongside a fellow intern, Moussa (left) in 2019.

Moussa excelled at school and attended high school in a neighboring village, which means he could stay with his family while he continued his education. He performed so well he was invited to attend University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar where he studied physics and chemistry.

With a strong science foundation, Moussa wanted to really challenge himself and transfered to another institute that specialized in agronomy, the science of soil management and crop production.

I was ambitious to be trained in agronomy, and in the end I became a scientist. The science is almost the same. I just practice what I learned, and brought it here.
— Moussa, Garden Technician

Mousssa (far left) with other Andando staff members in Keur Soce, October 2022

After graduating, Moussa joined our team as an intern in 2019. He brought with him an extensive knowledge of soil health which is a perfect fit for our agriculture and market garden program. He was first assigned to Mbaylar Market Garden and is now the technician for both the Kouthieye and Battra Wolof gardens, helping the women there to improve their yields and soil health.

Moussa with his wife, Ndèye.

Moussa and his wife, Ndèye, have two daughters: Aminata (3 years old) and Adja (less than one year). His family compound is quite far from Andando’s headquarters in Keur Soce, and when asked if its difficult to be away from his family for work he said, “When there is a holiday or a gathering, I go so we can be together. It’s the job. I am ambitious and I wanted to have a good job.”

Moussa’s oldest daughter holding her little sister.

When he is not working Moussa manages the family’s livestock, raising sheep, and enjoys keeping active by running every morning.

Your support enables Moussa to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

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From the Director - October 2022

We are excited to introduce our NEW Executive Director, Garrison!

Celebrating a good lettuce harvest with some of the garden participants in Keur Ngor.

My name is Garrison Harward and I could not be prouder to be speaking to you as Andando’s new Executive Director. After nine years of dedicated service Lewis has decided to move up to join our Board of Directors so that he can stay stateside and spend more time with his family. This is a big shift for both of us and for the organization as a whole, but Andando isn’t skipping a beat! Our programming is more ambitious than ever, and we have even bigger plans for the future!

I’d like to take this opportunity to remind all of us about the incredible impact that Andando has achieved under Lewis’ leadership. This year we are constructing five women’s cooperative gardens bringing our total to 38 with over 3,500 women participating in the program.

Visiting one of the market gardens with Boubou and Lewis in 2021. Garrison has traveled to Senegal several times providing technical trainings, formally as our Agriculture Officer.

In the past two years our gardens have produced over one million pounds of organic produce with recorded profits of over $250,000! By the end of this year we will also construct our 14th health post. Together these posts see an average of over 10,000 healthcare visits each year. Lastly, we are finishing four classrooms in Podor and the final two classrooms of the brand new Keur Soce High School for a total of 60 classrooms constructed across 16 schools, benefiting over 5,000 students annually. WOW!

Garrison served in the Peace Corps in Senegal from 2010-2012, here he is pictured with the chief of the village that hosted him.

I have been with Andando for a little over two years and I am still constantly astounded by what this organization has done, and is doing, every day in Senegal. I lived in Senegal as a Peace Corps volunteer from 2010-2012 near Keur Soce, and I am so grateful that Andando has afforded me the opportunity to reconnect with this place that I love so dearly.

I am proud of what we have already accomplished, and I’m so excited to see how far we can go with this firm foundation beneath us. Feel free to reach out if you would like to know more about our programming or to find a personal connection to how your contribution is making a meaningful impact in Senegal.

-Garrison Harward
Executive Director

Meet Badiane, Garden Technician

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the tenth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Badiane, Garden Technician.

Badiane joined the Andando team in 2016..

Baba Khady Badiane, who goes by Badiane (pronounced Bye-jon) joined our team in 2016. He comes from a large family and grew up in Guindor, about 8 kilometers (5 miles) from Keur Soce.

Unfortunately, Badiane had to stop attending school after junior high because his family did not have the means to continue sending him. This did not deter Badiane however, he proactively sought out every opportunity to continue learning and advancing himself.

Badiane has started several of our gardens from the ground up, and is a vital resource to the communities we serve.

He started working with another NGO (non governmental organization) in Senegal, called APROFES. It was here that he received formal training in agriculture techniques and seed saving. While this work was voluntary and did not provide Badiane an actual income, the knowledge he gained from the experience propelled his career in agriculture forward. He also received a diploma from USAID in food preservation and drying which is especially helpful when there is an abundance of crops.

Badiane holding packets of local heirloom seeds as part of a new seed saving program.

Badiane joined our team as our second Garden Technician and has been responsible for starting many of our gardens in the Keur Soce region. He is excited to lead a new seed saving program in the gardens.

“Agriculture is a really nice job. If you are on it, you will see results. Really you will have good health. Also you will solve almost all your problems.”

- Badiane, Garden Technician

Standing outside his home, Badiane is pictured with some of the members of his family in the village of Guindor.

Badiane is the father of nine children, the oldest is 20 and the youngest is three years old. They live together in Guindor, which is about 20 minutes by moto (scooter) from the Andando headquarters in Keur Soce.

When he is not working Badiane manages the family chickens and sheep. He also loves futbol (soccer) and was a very good goalie when he played in school.

Your support enables Badiane to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Seynabou, Garden Technician

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the tenth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Seynabou, Garden Technician.

Seynabou joined the Andando team in 2019..

Seynabou (pronounced Say-nə-boo) Ndao joined our team in 2019. She comes from a large mixed family and is the oldest of her immediate siblings, with two sisters and three brothers. She grew up in the village of Sagatta Djioloff, in the northern region of Senegal, near Podor.

Joking around with some of her siblings, Seynabou is pictured with white head scarf.

Seynabou as a young girl, approximately six years old.

Seynabou attended both elementary and junior high school in her village where she was always among the top students. However, there was not a high school in her village, so she moved in with her aunt and uncle nearby in Louga where she excelled and completed high school.

Drawn to the sciences, Seynabou continued her education at University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar where she studied physics and chemistry. Her program included a six month internship, and she was given a list of partner businesses and nonprofits to choose from. This is how Seynabou first heard about Andando, and we were her first choice for her internship!

At university with some of her classmates (Seynabou is second from left with blue scarf).

Moving to Keur Soce was a great adventure: the way of life was different, the food was different, the ethnic groups and languages spoken in rural villages were different. But that didn’t stop Seynabou. She made quick friends with the staff and garden participants and became a great asset to the team.

After completing her internship and graduating from university, we asked if she would continue on with us as a Garden Technician --she said yes!

Testing out some equipment with fellow interns. Seynabou is center.

What attracted me to the women is the way they integrate themselves, the familiarity. I am free, and I really enjoy working with them.
— Seynabou Ndao, Garden Technician

Seynabou is incredibly social and loves spending time with people. You might find her displaying some of her gymnastics skills. She’s also a bit of a jokester and will perform comedy bits much to the amusement of others.

Seynabou loves gymnastics and was on her high school team. She has been known to give a special performance in the villages from time to time.

Building lasting relationships with the garden participants is very important to Seynabou. She is pictured here with a baby who was named after her.

Your support enables Seynabou to help her fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

Click here to meet other staff.

From the Team - July 2022

A rare moment when three of our US-based staff (Lewis, Garrison, and Crystal) are in Senegal at the same time.

We had the rare pleasure of having three of our US-based staff in Senegal at the same time! This allowed us to dive deep with our team on the ground there and make BIG plans for the future.

We were honored to help cut the ribbon at the official opening ceremony for Keur Soce High School!

Keur Soce High School is finishing up its first year of classes, and with enrollment increasing we finalized plans with the administration to construct an additional two classrooms to meet their current need. We also discussed the possibility of adding a school garden in the future with an attached science classroom to help boost their science curriculum.

After only six months since launching the aquaculture program, the fish are big enough to harvest. Each of the pilot gardens received advanced training, which will help them move towards self-sufficiency and reap the maximum benefits from the project.

In the gardens, we got to witness the first fish harvest from our pilot aquaculture program! The women and technicians have worked so hard to learn this new skill, and we couldn’t be happier to celebrate their success with them.

Fresh fish is hard to come by in these arid regions of Senegal. But now garden participants enjoy the nutritional benefits of fresh fish while also seeing their gardens bursting through the use of water from the fish ponds for their plants.

In Podor we met with local leaders to plan a permanent tree nursery which will allow us to grow thousands of beneficial trees where they are desperately needed.

These trees will become live fencing that will protect gardens from animals and wind. Over time metal fencing deteriorates, but live fencing is sustainable and provides long-term protection while helping to improve the soil.

These are just a few examples of the amazing things our team is working on, and we are so excited to see these programs continue to grow and thrive.

From all of us, “Jéréjëf!” – Thank You!

Meet Garrison, Executive Director

Garrison joined the Andando team in 2021.

Garrison joined the Andando team in 2021.

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works hard to build resilient, thriving communities in Senegal. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Garrison, Executive Director


Garrison holding a band trophy with this parents.

Garrison Harward joined the Andando team in 2021 as our Agriculture Officer. He grew up in the small town of Ojai, California and caught the gardening bug early from his Mom and Grandpa. When he wasn’t digging in the dirt Garrison spent most of his time in marching band, choir, and theater groups. The thrill of performing led him to California State University Chico where he studied theater and met his wife Hannah; they just celebrated 13 years together.

Hannah and Garrison at their wedding.

Hannah and Garrison at their wedding.

While Garrison is our newest state-side addition to the Andando Team he first met Andando 10 years ago during his service in the Peace Corps in the Fatick region of Senegal. 

During his time there (2010-2012), Garrison lived in the rural community of Dassilame Serere (approx. 40 miles SW of Keur Socé) where he worked with farmers on a variety of agricultural projects.  The Serer people are an ethnic minority in Senegal. One of the last projects Garrison worked on with his community was a water and sanitation project funded by Andando and during a recent visit back there he was thrilled to see that the infrastructure they built is still functioning and providing a real benefit for the community.

In the village of Dassilame Serer, Garrison made many life-long friends during his service with the Peace Corp.

In the village of Dassilame Serer, Garrison made many life-long friends during his service with the Peace Corp.

The Serer people are an ethnic minority in Senegal and getting to learn about their history and culture along with their incredible language is one of the greatest gifts I took away from my service.
— Garrison

After returning home to the United States, Garrison and Hannah moved to New York City where Garrison worked as a Head Production Electrician working in Fashion lighting and has worked for almost every major brand in the industry along with countless theater productions including the initial run of Hamilton.

Garrison is also a Head Production Electrician working in Fashion lighting and has worked for almost every major brand in the industry along with countless theater productions including the initial run of Hamilton. He is pictured here with fellow team members.

Garrison (pictured right) also was a Head Production Electrician working in Fashion lighting and has worked for almost every major brand in the industry along with countless theater productions including the initial run of Hamilton. He is pictured here with fellow team members.

One of Garrisons’ proudest accomplishments is founding a free community farm on his block in Brooklyn, growing free, nutrient dense, organic food for the community. He is passionate about helping farmers (both on his block and in Senegal) to sustainably improve the land while increasing production and the nutritional benefit of the food.

Garrison was recently featured as the New Yorker of the Week.  Click on the image above to watch a short video.

Garrison was recently featured as the New Yorker of the Week. Click on the image above to watch a short video.

In 2022 Garrison accepted the position of Executive Director when the current director, Lewis Kiker, moved up onto the Andando board. In his spare time you can usually find Garrison playing Petangue (similar to bocce ball) or snuggling his dog, Gabby.

Garrison presenting at the annual Auction Fundraiser in October 2022.

Garrison provides practical, hands-on, training and support to all of our Garden Technicians in  Senegal.

Garrison provides practical, hands-on, training and support to all of our Garden Technicians in Senegal.

Your support enables Garrison to help families in rural Senegal. Thank you for investing in their future.

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Francois, Garden Technician

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the ninth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Francois, Garden Technician.

Francois joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2015..

Francois Manga, who goes by Fara, joined the Andando team in 2015 as one of our Garden Technicians.  He was born in Thies, a large community 184 kilometers (approx. 112 miles) northwest of Keur Socé.  He comes from a big family, and enjoyed an advanced education.  He studied in Ziguinchor, which is in the southern part of Senegal (below The Gambia), often referred to as the Casamance Region. 

Keeping up with his nieces and nephews, Francois is lively and energetic.

Before joining us he had extensive experience in gardens, working in the Mbour Garden, the Beersheba Cooperative, and finally as an intern in the Keur Moussa Monastery Garden.  We first met Francois when we bought mango, lemon, and guava trees from Keur Moussa Garden for inclusion in our own gardens.  Once he completed his internship there, he joined the Andando team.

In addition to providing training in the gardens, Francois also assists with local farmers participating in the microloan program.

When you give, you have to give wholeheartedly. When you work, you have to give everything to succeed.

I enjoy learning how to manage the gardens and handle problems as they arise. I have enjoyed working for Andando very much and am very proud to be part of the team.”
— Francois Manga, Garden Technician

A quick learner, Francois started with one garden and is now managing three.  He works directly with nearly 350 women, training them and giving them support so their gardens can  flourish.  When asked, he says his favorite produce is beetroot!

Chatting with garden participants at their produce stands in town, where they sell their extra produce increasing their household income by 25%.

An avid futbol (soccer) fan, you will find him cheering on the Senegal Lyons (who recently won the Africa Cup of Nations tournament for the very first time) as well as Manchester United. 

Francois with his Boy Scout Troop (he is fourth from the right, back row.)

He was a member of the local Boy Scouts and loves to play with and teach his nieces and nephews; he cares deeply for his family.

Your support enables Francois to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Omar, Garden Technician

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the eighth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Omar, Garden Technician.

Omar joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2017..

Omar Ba is the oldest in his family, with one brother and two sisters. He grew up in Keur Guiran, a community just next to Keur Soce.

After completing high school, Omar would walk past the Andando market gardens on his way to work or running errands. He was very interested in what he saw:

I passed by the gardens often and was very impressed with what was happening. I wanted to be a part of it.
— Omar Ba, Garden Technician

By providing hands-on training, Omar supports the women working in the gardens with practical and accessible skills and knowledge.

He visited the gardens more often and developed a relationship with the Andando staff. In 2017 he joined our team as a Garden Technician and was one of the first technicians to relocate to the northern region of Podor when we launched gardens there in 2019.

I enjoy the challenge of learning agriculture in the new region and new context. I am very interested in passing my knowledge onto the women that are working, and when this happens, I consider it a major success.
— Omar

Sharing in the joy of a bountiful harvest, Omar cultivates unity in his gardens.

When he’s not working you will find Omar on the futbol (soccer) field. While everyone in Senegal seems to be exceptional players Omar tells us, “I am definitely the best futbol player on the Andando staff, and I am even the most talented moto driver on the staff – you can call me ‘Moniteur de Moto’ - The Moto Instructor!”

Nicknamed “Moniteur de Moto” (which translates to Motorcycle Instructor), Omar is the self-proclaimed Most Talented Moto Driver on the Andando staff.

Omar just recently married his fiance, Awa Diallo, in June. A celebration that the entire Andando staff had been looking forward to!

Awa and Omar celebrating on their wedding day, June 2021.

Your support enables Omar to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future.

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Abdou, Garden Technician

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the sixth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Abdou, Garden Technician.

Abdou joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2018.

Abdou joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2018.

Abdou Salam Ba joined the Andando team in 2018 as one of our Garden Technicians. He was born and raised in Fas Toucouleur with histhree brothers and two sisters. He met his wife Diawo, who is from a neighboring village, and together they raised eight children. They currently live in Fas Toucouleur with their children and 12 grandchildren.

An early family photo of Abdou with his wife, Diawo, and their four eldest children.

An early family photo of Abdou with his wife, Diawo, and their four eldest children.

Growing up Abdou learned all about farming the way most children in the region do, from his parents. From a young age he developed a real knack and a deep appreciation for agriculture, animal husbandry, and household governance.

Abdou planting trees with a Peace Corps Volunteer.

Abdou planting trees with a Peace Corps Volunteer.

After completing his schooling he went on to work with the Department of Water and Forestry. Through the years, Abdou continued his training with a variety of other agriculture organizations including the Peace Corps.

Transplanting young trees in his orchard, Abdou developed and maintains an impressive and productive family garden.

Transplanting young trees in his orchard, Abdou developed and maintains an impressive and productive family garden.

He developed maintains an impressive orchard on his own family plot and continues to work with Peace Corps Volunteers in the area.

Abdou filing planting sheaths with one his daughters at his family plot.

Abdou filing planting sheaths with one his daughters at his family plot.

When his own children got old enough, he started passing down his knowledge to them, including his son, Mandaw (who joined our team in 2012 and manages all the area garden technicians, including Abdou.)

Abdou (right) teaching his son Mandaw (left) on their family farm.

Abdou (right) teaching his son Mandaw (left) on their family farm.

Abdou (right) with his son, Mandaw (left), in the Fax Toucouleur Garden in 2019.

Abdou (right) with his son, Mandaw (left), in the Fax Toucouleur Garden in 2019.

Administratively, I am under the responsibility of my son but he always comes to me when he encounters difficulties and I always continue to strengthen his capacities.

When a person feels comfortable in their job, they will have the love and passion to work at any time of the day. We must have a love of work because only work can allow the individual to meet his needs and raise his status to the highest point.”
— Abdou Salam Ba
A magnificent mango tree, one of many food producing trees in Abdou’s orchard.

A magnificent mango tree, one of many food producing trees in Abdou’s orchard.

In his free time Abdou enjoys watching documentaries and listening to music, particularly from Mali and Guinea. He is also passionate about environmental issues and enjoys helping his neighbors and others in the area improve their soil for cultivation. He is known to make house calls when someone is experiencing particularly challenging instances of pests or other problems.

Abdou enjoys sharing his knowledge so everyone benefits.

Abdou enjoys sharing his knowledge so everyone benefits. He is the Garden Technician at the Fas Toucouleur Women’s Garden Collective.

Your support enables Abdou to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future.

Daiwo (Aobdou’s wife) holding one of their grandchildren, also named Abdou after his grandfather. (Abdou Jr is the son of Mandaw, Andando Lead Garden Technician in Keur Soce.)

Daiwo (Aobdou’s wife) holding one of their grandchildren, also named Abdou after his grandfather. (Abdou Jr is the son of Mandaw, Andando Lead Garden Technician in Keur Soce.)

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Sall, Lead Garden Technician in Podor!

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce to you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the fifth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Sall, Lead Garden Technician in Podor.

Sall joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2016.

Sall joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2016.

Souleyman Sall, who goes by Sall (pronounced Saul), joined the Andando team in 2016 as one of our Garden Technicians. He was born and raised in Koutango, a small village 36 kilometers (approx. 25 miles) south of Keur Socé.

The second youngest of six children -- four brothers and one sister-- Sall attended primary school in his home town. Sall’s family valued education and, despite not having a middle or high school in their village, they made the necessary sacrifices for Sall to attend high school in Kaolack (over an hour away by car).

Sall with his wife, Amanatou, and their daughter, Ndeye.

Sall with his wife, Amanatou, and their daughter, Ndeye.

A good student, Sall continued on to university where he initially started studying Spanish, but eventually found his passion in agriculture. After graduating he worked with an organization teaching agriculture and animal husbandry, then in 2016 he joined the Andando team as one of our first Garden Technicians.

Checking to see how the seeds are germinating under the protective cover.

Checking to see how the seeds are germinating under the protective cover.

In 2018, when we expanded our programs into the northern region of Senegal, Sall was willing to relocate as he stepped into the role of Lead Garden Technician in Podor.

Sall works directly with the women in the gardens as well as is responsible for bringing on new technicians and training them up.

Technicians are a vital part of our team, because they work directly with the garden participants and leadership to ensure each garden is a success.

Technicians are a vital part of our team, because they work directly with the garden participants and leadership to ensure each garden is a success.

I enjoy teaching and informing the women about agricultural techniques and ways to combat problems. I work with them on general cooperative management and structure, and navigating the social dynamics of the group.
— Sall, Lead Garden Technician in Podor

Sall and his wife, Amanatou, welcomed their first child, Ndeye Dialle Sall, last year on April 4th (also Senegal’s Independence Day)

When he is not working Sall enjoys watching films and documentaries, especially anything from National Geographic. He cares deeply for his family and hopes to provide a good education and future for his children.

A hard worker and good teammate, Sall knows how to have fun with his fellow team members.  Here he is pictured with Omar (left) and Gorgui (center) in a community garden.

A hard worker and good teammate, Sall knows how to have fun with his fellow team members. Here he is pictured with Omar (left) and Gorgui (center) in a community garden.

Your support enables Sall to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future.

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Gorgui, Garden Technician in Podor!

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce to you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the fourth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Gorgui, Garden Technician in Podor.

Gorgui joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2017.

Gorgui joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2017.

Alassane Ba, who goes by Gorgui (pronounced Gore-gee) joined the Andando team in 2017 as one of our Garden Technicians. He grew up in a small village near Keur Soce and is childhood friends of another on our team, Mandaw.

Working as a team, Gorgui (left) is pictured here with Mandaw (center) and a local toolmaker (right), holding brand new tools for the garden cooperatives.

Working as a team, Gorgui (left) is pictured here with Mandaw (center) and a local toolmaker (right), holding brand new tools for the garden cooperatives.

After completing school, Gorgui became interested in market gardening. He gained some hands-on experience before approaching a local Master Farmer for permission to train under them. With these skills Gorgui was a perfect fit to join our intern program, after which he came on to our staff full-time.

Technicians are a vital part of our team, because they work directly with the garden participants and leadership to ensure each garden is a success.

Technicians are a vital part of our team, because they work directly with the garden participants and leadership to ensure each garden is a success.

Gardening is one of the trades that I enjoy the most, it gives happiness, that is why I embraced this profession.
— Gorgui Ba, Garden Technician

While Gorgui takes his work very seriously, he also knows how to have a good time and is known as a bit of a jokester with fellow staff.

In this family picture (taken in July 2019) Gorgui is with his wife, Sebe, and their two sons, Amadou and Cheikh.  Since then they have welcomed their first daughter, Fatou (pictured below).

In this family picture (taken in July 2019) Gorgui is with his wife, Sebe, and their two sons, Amadou and Cheikh. Since then they have welcomed their first daughter, Fatou (pictured below).

Sebe with seven-month-old daughter, Fatou.


When he’s not working you will find Gorgui enjoying sports, specifically “Lamb” (Wolof for Senegalese wrestling.) This sport has strong connections to traditional wrestling in Senegal and deep cultural meaning for the athletes and the fans alike.


Your support enables Gorgui to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future.

Gorgui with members of his extended family.

Gorgui with members of his extended family.

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

Click here to meet other staff.

Meet Camara, Andando’s Project Manager, Keur Soce

We are very fortunate to have a dedicated and passionate team on the ground in Senegal, working every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think this team is pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the third in a series introducing the people that make it all possible.(Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Camara, our Keur Soce Project Manager.

Camara joined the Andando team as our Keur Soce Project Manager in 2016.

Camara joined the Andando team as our Keur Soce Project Manager in 2016.

Camara presenting at a team meeting.

Camara presenting at a team meeting.

Mamadou Camara, who also goes by Camara (pronounced Ka-mara), started with Andando in 2016.  Though Camara was born and raised in Kaolack (a larger town 13 miles from our offices in Keur Soce) most of his extended family is in Guena, Mali.  He is the middle child with eight siblings.

After high school, Camara attended Gaston Berger University in Saint-Louis (northern region of Senegal) where he studied Business.  Earning a professional license in Project Management he went on to manage a real estate agency. Prior to joining Andando, Camara organized a community development project using microfinance (much like our microloan program).  This included providing trainings in financial education, life skills, and entrepreneurship. 

With this broad and extensive expertise, Camara was the perfect choice to fill the role of our Project Manager in Keur Soce where he oversees all of our projects including our nutritional program in schools and working with health post workers. 

Camara (right) with Mandaw (left) distributing soap and other sanitation supplies to a local health post.

Camara (right) with Mandaw (left) distributing soap and other sanitation supplies to a local health post.

Cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with local leadership ensures our programs have the local support needed to be successful. Pictured left to right (Camara, Boubou, Deputy Governor, Mandaw)

Cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with local leadership ensures our programs have the local support needed to be successful. Pictured left to right (Camara, Boubou, Deputy Governor, Mandaw)

He works with Mandaw (Lead Garden Technician) to keep the microloan and community garden programs running smoothly. He is also responsible for collaborating with the village chiefs, mayors and the sub-prefect.  Cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with these leaders is vital because we need the permission and blessing of local authorities in order to initiate our programs in their communities.

Part of Camara’s responsibilities include overseeing the education and nutrition programs, which have increased students’ test scores.

Part of Camara’s responsibilities include overseeing the education and nutrition programs, which have increased students’ test scores.

Camara and his wife, Mariama Keita, have two children: a five-year-old daughter, Fanta; and their son, Omar, who just turned two years old earlier this month. Family is incredible important to Camara:

Africa has sociologically its own definition of the family. Each person comes from a family, and we are committed to helping our families, to meet their needs at all levels because in Africa it is beautiful to work, however everything will be returned to the benefit of the family.
— Camara
Camara with his wife, Mariama, and their two children, Omar and Fanta.

Camara with his wife, Mariama, and their two children, Omar and Fanta.

When he’s not working you will find Camara enjoying sports or listening to music. He especially likes Salif Keita, a musician from Mali. Your support enables Camara to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

(Click here to see others in this series.)

Meet Mandaw, Andando’s Lead Garden Technician

We are very fortunate to have a dedicated and passionate team on the ground in Senegal, working every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think this team is pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the second in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Mandaw, our Lead Garden Technician.

Mandaw joined the Andando team as our first Garden Technician in 2012.

Mandaw joined the Andando team as our first Garden Technician in 2012.

I am very happy to work to help my compatriots. As a Senegalese, I must do my best through my knowledge to support them in the field. I really want the Senegalese to know about the importance of organic vegetables. When the person does not know the basis of his economy, he has no knowledge of himself.
— Mandaw, Lead Garden Technician
Like most of our Garden Technicians, Mandaw uses a scooter (or moto) to travel between the garden sites and provide support to the women’s garden collectives.

Like most of our Garden Technicians, Mandaw uses a scooter (or moto) to travel between the garden sites and provide support to the women’s garden collectives.

Mamadou Ba, or Mandaw (pronounced Mon-dow) to his friends, has been working with Andando since 2012. Born and raised in Fas Toucouleur (a village three miles from our offices in Keur Soce), Mandaw is well-known and respected in the community.

Growing up, Mandaw learned horticulture and arboriculture from his father, who is a Master Farmer through the Peace Corps program. He worked with his father for 10 years before he joined Andando as our very first Garden Technician.

Mandaw with his father, Abdou Salam Ba, in the Fas Toucouleur Community Garden. (Abdou joined the Andando team in 2018.)

Mandaw with his father, Abdou Salam Ba, in the Fas Toucouleur Community Garden. (Abdou joined the Andando team in 2018.)

Mandaw brought with him years of experience and knowledge of local and traditional methods of agriculture including grafting techniques, treatment and prospecting of soil and plants, and natural methods of pest control.

Checking on the seedling nursery, Mandaw teaches those new to gardening how to propagate and rotate crops.

Checking on the seedling nursery, Mandaw teaches those new to gardening how to propagate and rotate crops.

Working directly with the women in the community gardens, Mandaw teaches skills such as how to construct a small nursery and germinate seeds, proper care and transplanting of seedlings, pest control and disease treatment, and how to make safe and effective fertilizer to boost crop production.

Boubou with Scott Kelley marking the location for water pipes to be installed in Keur Soce, 2008.

Teaching sustainable garden techniques gives participants the knowledge to become self-reliant.

Over the years the number of our community gardens has increased, and it became necessary to bring on additional Garden Technicians. Mandaw moved into the role of Lead Garden Technician, training new staff and overseeing the entire community garden program.

Mandaw (center) oversees the entire community garden program including training new Garden Technicians and supporting Agriculture Interns from Dakar University.

Mandaw (center) oversees the entire community garden program including training new Garden Technicians and supporting Agriculture Interns from Dakar University.

Boubou and Amy at their wedding in 2009, (Pictured left to right: Fiona Kiker, Crystal Kelley, Amy Marone, Boubou Sy, Scott Kelley, and Carrie Hazelton.)

Mandaw with some of his extended family. In Senegal it is common for multiple generations to live together on a family-owned piece of land.

The oldest of eight, Mandaw lives with his relatives on a family-owned piece of land. He and his wife, Souadou, welcomed their first child, Abdou, last year.

Mandaw and his wife, Souadou, welcomed their first child, Abdou (named after Mandaw’s father), last year.

Mandaw and his wife, Souadou, welcomed their first child, Abdou (named after Mandaw’s father), last year.

When he is not working Mandaw enjoys listening to music and will often be the first to get up and start dancing. Your support enables Mandaw to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Andando staff show off their dance moves along with the women of the Ndioufene Community Garden celebrating its opening. Mandaw is pictured on the left.

Andando staff show off their dance moves along with the women of the Ndioufene Community Garden celebrating its opening. Mandaw is pictured on the left.

Update (Feb 9, 2023): Congratulations to Mandaw and his wife, Souadou, who recently welcomed their second child, Boubou! (Pictured left to right: Boubou Sy (Country Director) holding baby Boubou, Soudadou and Mandaw.)

We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!

Click here to meet other staff.