Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce to you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the fifth in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Sall, Lead Garden Technician in Podor.
Sall joined the Andando team as a Garden Technician in 2016.
Souleyman Sall, who goes by Sall (pronounced Saul), joined the Andando team in 2016 as one of our Garden Technicians. He was born and raised in Koutango, a small village 36 kilometers (approx. 25 miles) south of Keur Socé.
The second youngest of six children -- four brothers and one sister-- Sall attended primary school in his home town. Sall’s family valued education and, despite not having a middle or high school in their village, they made the necessary sacrifices for Sall to attend high school in Kaolack (over an hour away by car).
Sall with his wife, Amanatou, and their daughter, Ndeye.
A good student, Sall continued on to university where he initially started studying Spanish, but eventually found his passion in agriculture. After graduating he worked with an organization teaching agriculture and animal husbandry, then in 2016 he joined the Andando team as one of our first Garden Technicians.
Checking to see how the seeds are germinating under the protective cover.
In 2018, when we expanded our programs into the northern region of Senegal, Sall was willing to relocate as he stepped into the role of Lead Garden Technician in Podor.
Sall works directly with the women in the gardens as well as is responsible for bringing on new technicians and training them up.
Technicians are a vital part of our team, because they work directly with the garden participants and leadership to ensure each garden is a success.
“I enjoy teaching and informing the women about agricultural techniques and ways to combat problems. I work with them on general cooperative management and structure, and navigating the social dynamics of the group.”
Sall and his wife, Amanatou, welcomed their first child, Ndeye Dialle Sall, last year on April 4th (also Senegal’s Independence Day)
When he is not working Sall enjoys watching films and documentaries, especially anything from National Geographic. He cares deeply for his family and hopes to provide a good education and future for his children.
A hard worker and good teammate, Sall knows how to have fun with his fellow team members. Here he is pictured with Omar (left) and Gorgui (center) in a community garden.
Your support enables Sall to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future.
We are excited and honored to introduce you to more of our team and share their hope for the future with you. Thank you for your support!