We recently opened a new project in a new country- Swaziland! First a quick geography lesson. Swaziland is a tiny kingdom surrounded by South Africa on three sides and bordered by Mozambique on the other. It is ruled by king Mswati lll, is one of the poorest African countries and has the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS on the continent. 75% of the population depends on subsistence farming and 60 % live on less than $1.25 a day.
Andando is starting small in this small country with fifteen micro loans in one targeted community- Nhulweni. In many ways this is a typical small community in Swaziland, rural, no electricity or running water. But there are some hard working folks here who are eager to improve their lives and their community. We hope that this small beginning will grow into bringing long lasting sustainable change to more people and communities in this beautiful little corner of Africa.
Here are a couple examples of the loans-
Majahonkhe Bhembe borrowed $120 to buy pipe to access irrigation for his garden and will also use the water access for his chicken project where he is raising broilers for sale.
Khanyisile Jele also borrowed about $120 to start a small store from her house to sell chickens, fruits and vegetables.
These loans are for a six months duration and are interest free. When they are repaid, they recycle into new loans in the community.
If you are interested in donating to our micro loan fund, click on the donate button and follow directions. We make loans from $30- $400 depending on the project.